
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the dates of the competition?

A: The competition opens on Monday 17 October 2022 at 12:00pm, and closes on Friday 9 December 2022 at 4:00pm BST. 

Stage 1 will run from Monday 17 October 2022 until Tuesday 1 November 2022.

Stage 2 will run from Tuesday 1 November until Friday 9 December 2022.

Stage 3 will run offline after the competition has closed for entries. 

Q: Can I enter multiple times?

A: An individual can enter once in each stage of the competition.

Stage 1: Enter by completing the form as an individual.

Stage 2: Enter by completing the form as a team of 3. (Please note: an individual may only be a member of one team).

Q: Can I enter Stage 2 as an individual?

A: No, Stage 2 is only open to teams of three (3) students. Students do not have to be from the same University, but must all be current students in the 2022/23 academic year.

Q: How will I know I have been chosen as a Stage 2 Top 10 finalist? 

A: You will be contacted by someone from RMP Enterprise to tell you the good news - keep an eye out for an email!

Q: What prizes are available to be won and when?

A: Different prizes are available in different stages of the competition. See breakdown below:

Stage 1 - 4 x bundles of Unilever products (awarded as one-off prizes to 4 individuals selected at random from the entrants of Stage 1).

Stage 3 - 3 x tech bundles containing Apple Watch Series 7 with sustainable yarn strap & Airpods (awarded as a one-off prize to each of the three individuals in the winning team).

6 x guarantee to be fast-tracked to the final stage of recruitment for a Unilever programme of your choice [grads or placements] (awarded as a one-off prize to each of the three individuals in the top two teams of Stage 3).

1 x team guaranteed to represent the UK at the Global Unilever Future Leaders’ League finals (awarded as a one-off prize to the winning team [3 individuals] of Stage 3).

3 x bundles of Unilever products (awarded as a one-off prize to each of the three individuals in the runner up team).

Q: How will I know if I have won one of the prizes?

A: Someone from RMP Enterprise will be in touch via email. We will ask you to provide proof you are a UK student and ask for an address (or email address) to send your prize to.

Q: How are the winners of the prizes chosen?

A: Different prizes have different eligibility criteria please see more information in the T&Cs section 6.

Q: What will my personal information be used for?

 A: By entering into the competition you agree that RMP Enterprise Ltd will use your data to get in touch if you are one of our weekly winners. 

If you opt in, Unilever’s recruitment team will send you further information about relevant careers by email.

For more information on how your personal data will be used see the Privacy Policy here.